IQ is an acronym for Intelligence Quotient. So what is IQ ? The IQ is a measurement of your intelligence and is expressed in a number. By word quotient, in simple language, you can understand it as points.
A person’s IQ can be calculated by having the person take an intelligence test. The average IQ is 100. If you achieve a score higher than 100, you are smarter than the average person, and a lower score means you are (somewhat) less smart.
IQ tests involve the measure of two primary components — verbal and performance.
When an IQ test is scored, three primary scores are obtained — verbal IQ, performance IQ, and the full scale IQ. The full scale IQ is what is commonly referred to as one’s “IQ score” by people. Most people perform better in one component over the other in IQ testing (one either has a strength in verbal or performance).
How Are Verbal and Performance IQ Scores Obtained ?
These two sections of the IQ test are divided into sub scales, each measuring a different component of IQ.
Verbal scales
- Information: 29 questions – a measure of general knowledge.
- Digit Span: Subjects are given sets of digits to repeat initially forwards then backwards. This is a test of immediate auditory recall and freedom from distraction.
- Vocabulary: Define 35 words. A measure of expressive word knowledge. It correlates very highly with Full Scale IQ
- Arithmetic: 14 mental arithmetic brief story type problems. tests distractibility as well as numerical reasoning.
- Comprehension: 16 questions which focus on issues of social awareness.
- Similarities: A measure of concept formation. Subjects are asked to say how two seemingly dissimilar items might in fact be similar.
Performance scales
- Picture Completion: 20 small pictures that all have one vital detail missing. A test of attention to fine detail.
- Picture Arrangement: 10 sets of small pictures, where the subject is required to arrange them into a logical sequence.
- Block Design: Involves putting sets of blocks together to match patterns on cards.
- Digit Symbol: Involves copying a coding pattern.
- Object Assembly: Four small jig-saw type puzzles.
These type of tests and number of tests may vary institute to institute. Above tests and numbers of tests, just present an overall picture of IQ elements.
It is understood that most of these contain basic elements like mathematics, logical thinking and reasoning. It falls under study of psychology, sociology, science and philosophy.
It is believed that people good in mathematics and reasoning have better IQ. Engineers, doctors and technical people have better IQ. It is also believed that people who pass competitive examinations like IAS, IPS, IIT, CAT, Banking etc. have better IQ. We can analyse is vice-versa too.
How to improve your IQ ?
- Improve basic mathematics
- Improve logical thinking and analysis
- Improve working with numbers like data collection and analysis
- Improve your reasoning
- Improve pattern recognition
- Improve social and psychological understanding
IQ leads to success ?
Yes. Most of the time, we can say – ‘Yes, good IQ leads to success’.