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DROP OUT ? Complete Your Degree.

ATKT, CP, Backlog, FAIL, DROP:

In our education system, PASS or FAIL is decided on the basis of marks scored and lower cut-off line. e.g. In University, say  A, if a student, say B, scores more than equal to 40 then he is considered PASS otherwise he is considered FAIL. This cut-off  line 40, may differ from university to university, from system to system. I remember, in 2002, in Alagappa University minimum passing cut-off was 40 for Bachelors and 50 for Masters degree papers. Mostly there are many rules like grace marks or bonus marks or maximum fail papers allowed to keep or carry to move to next semester or year. Some universities call it ATKT (allowed to keep term), some call it CP (Carry Papers), some call it backlog etc. If the fail papers are more, a student is declared as Failed or Dropped and not allowed to move ahead unless he clears his backlogs. Rules may differ system to system and time to time.


Most of our evaluation system is based on written papers. A student may be good in knowledge, he may be good in orals, seminars, presentations, practicals, workshops, projects but still fails because he fails to write the paper theoretically. Our education evaluation system is not complete evaluation of student. There have been improvements in it time to time, but still a  lot is to be done.

Student Suffers:

Sometimes a student gets ATKT or failed because he did not perform well. This is usually accepted by student and he gets prepared to work hard.

Sometimes a student gets ATKT or failed even if he has performed well. It is because of  weakness of system. This becomes hard for student to mentally accept it. But he is forced to accept it. There is no alternative except re-check or re-evaluation, which mostly does not get any positive result.  He suffers a set back. He looses interest in studies. He gets discouraged. He suffers time.

Problem intensifies if number of ATKT or CP or backlog is more than limit and he is declared as FAIL or DROP candidate.

What happens thereafter:

  • Some students work hard, clear all backlogs and bounce back. Very Good. Congratulations to such students.
  • Some students understand their strength and weakness, constraints and other factors. Accordingly they slowdown their pace. They take more time but slowly clear all backlogs and move ahead. Good.
  • Some students loose interest and enthusiasm. They become negative. They get demoralized and depressed. Such students require lot of motivation, positivity, planning. They require a mentor who can push them or guide them to right direction.

What should be done:

  • Understand the need to work more, to put more efforts, guided efforts.
  • Become positive, motivated.
  • Develop writing skills (most of students fail because of poor writing skills and presentation skills)
  • If required take tuition, coaching, training.
  • Your professors can help you in lectures, notes and understanding the subject.
  • Your seniors can help you in lectures, notes and understanding the subject.
  • Prepare according to expected exam paper pattern.
  • Universal formula is to prepare by solving previous five years papers.
  • Prepare first half of your syllabus very well. This helps.
  • Write exams with full preparation and pass.

I don’t want to carry. I want some other solution:

  • It is always advised that you carry your course, re-appear and write your exams, and pass and move ahead.
  • Sometimes, few students, decide that they don’t want to carry the same course or college. They want to change.
  • We understand, it happens because of various reasons.
    • Many trials but no improvement leads to disappointment. There can be various reasons of ‘no results’. One of them is off-course education system. And so he wants to change.
    • Student decides that he is not interested in the field of study. e.g. Engineering student may decide that he is no more interested in Engineering and now wants a change.
    • Self analysis of Strength and Weakness, Opportunities and Threats or risks, (SWOT analysis), may suggest a change

Now What:

  • If you have firmly decided to move out and try out other options then you are wise and brave.
  • Remember, nowadays everyone requires to be a bachelor graduate. So plan other graduation of your choice. It can be B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, BCA, BBA or any other field.
  • You can also plan to do Diploma in Engineering or Diploma in Management or Diploma in any other field and later go for Bachelor Graduation at right time.

We help you:

  • Yes, We can help you.
  • We can advice you the right course and college or university.
  • We can counsel you the courses of your interest, which will suit you and help you in your career.
  • We will guide you to complete your graduation.
  • Contact us by email or sms or whatsapp or phone or contact form.

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