- You should have passed Graduation or Bachelor Degree like BA, BCom, BSc, BBA, BCA, B.Tech, ….
- Select your specialization
- According to selected specialization, select College or University.
- Some Colleges or University also accept admission forms directly.
- In India MBA / PGDM is 2 years PG degree level program.
- After completing your MBA Degree
- you can do job
- you can further study and do Ph.D. Course
- Attend counseling and take admission.
- ग्रेजुएशन या बैचलर डिग्री पास हों जैसे कि BA, BCom, BSc, BBA, BCA, B.Tech, ….
- अपना स्पेशलाइजेशन चुने.
- चुने हुए स्पेशलाइजेशन के अनुसार कॉलेज या युनिवर्सिटी चुने.
- भारत में MBA / PGDM 2 साल का कोर्स होता है.
- MBA डिग्री के बाद के बाद
- आप नौकरी कर सकते हैं या
- आप आगे का पीएचडी कोर्स कर सकते हैं.
- काउन्सलिंग अटेंड करें व एडमिशन लें
MBA with JOB
Some Management colleges provide a scheme, where one can attend daily classes in morning 8-11 am and do job in the afternoon 2-6 pm. Colleges helps in getting the job. Students earns approx. 10,000 to 20,000 per month. This helps him in managing his fees and expenses.
After completion of job, salary raises to 40,000 to 50,000 per month.
This facility is good for students who wish to EARN while they LEARN.
Interested candidates may Contact us.
Specialization List :
- Human Resource
- Marketing, Logistics, Retail
- Finance, Banking, Investment, Insurance,
- System, IT, Operations
- Hospitality, Travel & Tourism, Hotels, Health Care, Event Management …
Human Resource, Marketing, Finance are core specialization and are available in almost all colleges or universities.
Selection criterion for Specialization: Your interest, future plan, career plan, likes dislikes, strength weakness, skills… etc.
Selection Criterion for College or University: Your interest, future career plan, distance from home, travelling, hostel if required, finances, marks or grades
- You can opt for full time or part-time or week-end classes or distance education.
- We will help you.
- We will understand and analyse strength, weakness, interest, dreams, skills.
- We will help you in selecting right course, college and university.
- We will guide you in admissions and course.
- Contact us by email or sms or whatsapp or phone or contact form.
Visit contact page and call us or fill Inquiry form.